Monday, July 23, 2007

Harimau Pencak Silat

This past weekend I had the opportunity to take part in a Harimau/Minangkabau pencak silat seminar. The seminar was led by two very capable players Guru Eric Kruk and MaHa Guru Richard Crabbe de Bordes.

What a treat. It was great to be able to work with these to guys even if only for a day. The seminar lasted for two days but I could only attend one of those. It was great and well worth the 2 hour trip to meet Maha Guru De Bordes and Guru Kruk.

We were also treated to traditional Indonesian dance by Guru Kruk's wife Mia (sp?). Excellent!

Guru Eric Kruk's teaching was great. He was able to really break it down simply and focus on some key elements, working them over and over again and into many other applications. His skill is high and it was a pleasure to meet him and have the opportunity to train with him.

MaHa Guru Richard Crabbe de Bordes was a blessing to me. I could relate very well to his principles, mentality, and applications. His movement was great to watch and I really enjoyed just being there - the fact that I got to participate as well was an extra blessing. Of course, MH Guru De Bordes is very intense. If you ever get a chance to work with him do so. He is a man with great experience not only in martial arts but real world stuff so he "cuts to the chase" and brings it home. I appreciated the fact that he was able to get to the intensity of pencak silat without a day of prep. and you can tell that there is a phenomenal foundation of training under MaHa Guru's background.

What gentlemen both Guru Kruk and MaHa Guru DeBordes were and I hope that we can continue to connect and spread pencak silat to the world.

The seminar was sponsored by one of my Tampa students, current organizer of - The Association of Pencak Silat America.

1 comment:

T. Lamb said...

I just wish I was there myself, so I may ice my knees and not be able to walk as I'm sure it was worth it though.