Friday, August 17, 2007

PENCAK SILAT L'efficacité absolue

Sudden Violence.

Demonstrasi Silat Minangkabau

Good Minang Silek.

Cecep Arif Rahman

Very good, precise movement.

Silat Lincah

Malay silat again.

Silat Cingkrik Goning

Silat pengantin

wedding silat.

Pencak Silat West Sumatra Singo Barantai

Look at the space these guys are working in... Low kicks only right?

Pencak Silat west Java

Silat Sarawak

Check out the sparks from the blades!

Kuciang Lia Pauh Pencak Silat Stick Fighting

Another cool vid.

Pertubuhan seni silat sukmorogo


Pencak Silat from West Sumatra Padang

Pencak Silat Barat Sumatra.


Two little guys having at it.

Penjak Silat

A good demonstrasi of Jawa Timur pencak silat. Pencak silat from east java.

Silat Kuntau Tekpi Training Form (Pelebat)

Another Malay form.

Kuciang Lia knife fight Pauh Pencak Silat

Good Sumatran silat system. This is obviously just training so it's a treat to be able to see it on the web.

Tari Piring Kubu Durian (Pencak Silat)

Plate dance for those who haven't seen it. There are different ones with different moves including walking on plates while manipulating plates in your hands.

Silat Ropers system

No non-sense. I believe the Guru Frank Ropers is from the Joussot line of Setia Hati Terate.

Otai Silat Pulut

Not a great video but still if you are watching the movement you can see things of interest, not to mention the general movement style.

Silat Macan Pasrah in action.

If you've never seen Olah Raga before...

Silat Gayong Kedah

Silat Seni Gayong kedah a Malay style.

Ganda Pencak Silat


Ganda Pencak Silat

Cool choreographed demonstrasi.

Silat Body Conditioning

The point is to move - not get beat up...

Asas silat pulut

Pendekar Bujang Lapuk (Silat Brawl at the Jetty)

Okay, just funny.

Silat Cekak Hanafi UiTM Shah Alam - Siri 2

A little Malay silat.

silat sunda

I love this vid.

gendang silat

Good Gendang Silat video.

Silat Harimau


Silat G5 Basic Fighting Techniques

This looks like an interesting style. It is Malaysian.

Harimau pencak silat

I had the pleasure of going to a seminar with MaHa Guru DeBordes a month or so ago and he was great. Mostly a very nice man, very intense, but a pleasure to be around. Not too hung up on formality of technique as much as spirit.

Silat Seligi Tunggal Kemuning

Awesome video of pencak silat that I thought you guys might like.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Keluarga - Pencak Silat Pertempuran 2007 Training Camp

So this years pencak silat training camp has come and gone. By far the best one to date. We covered most of the curriculum in three days sans the drills and a few other things. Literally.

On Friday we had a 12 hour day and this is what we did.

Power Ales
Sliwa Training
Rendah Tendangan Rusuk
Gunting Kaki
Tendangan Belakang
Langkah Monyet
Langkah Kura-kura
Langkah Buaya
Langkah Kalong
Langkah Dua
Beladiri Ales
Masukan Kaki
Masukan Sepak
Masukan Lutut
Timbilan Kaki
Pembasmian Pukul
Kaki Totok

Masukan Tangan
Masukan Siku
Tangkapan - Beladiri Style
Pertukaran - Beladiri Style
Pencegah Tangan - Beladiri Style
Timbilan Tangan
Totok Tangan
Gunting Horizontal
Gunting Vertical
Gunting Siku
Siku Perisai
Pukul Perisai
Leher Patah
Pukul Pembas

Of course, we finished at around 830pm and everyone was pretty tired but that's not too bad considering no one had eaten dinner yet. We all went to our respective abodes and showered up and a portion of us met for dinner. It was great fun and people got to see the similarities between the movements and also I showed how it could be fit together depending on the situation.

Saturday everyone was sore AND it was raining hard so we worked under a pavilion during the early part of the day.

We started with:
Sikap Pasang

Led by Pelatih Bill Dwyer.

Then we went into the Jurus-jurus Tangan, Jurus-jurus Harimau (for Pelatih Bill), and Jurus-jurus Kombinasi for those who were interested. It was great fun to show the movements of the jurus-jurus come alive from yesterday's training and to show a few pounds of applications from just a few movements.

Again we finished around 830p or so. Got cleaned up and went out for dinner. It was a great time with good conversations and lots of friendships being developed.

Sunday we continued on throwing on top of the jurus the basic movements of golok/stick, how the Ales and Masukan might work against an armed assailant, how we might use them with a weapon ourselves, and how to do the jurus-jurus with a weapon. Then I went on to do a few minor applications just to show the concept and build the jurus-jurus movements. Later in the day we added Ikat and explosive entries to the training.

Really, in three days, you can't ask for anything more than that, but be assured, that in years to come as people continue to develop and grow in their skills, Keluarga is going to be a great place for training with some of the best guru-silat in the U.S.

Hormat saya,